Alliance Mine Office-Photo Print

Alliance Mine Office-Photo Print


The Alliance Mine was once a part of the lucrative Silver King Coalition Mining operation.


This image is sure to transport you back to bygone days of mining as you imagine the mine office bustling with action 363 day a year at the height of the silver boom in Park City.


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Silver mining made Park City, Utah the thriving western town that it once was and paved the way to our current skier's paradise. More than 300 mines once operated in Park City and by 1892 The Silver King Mine was once the world's most famous silver mines and was started by David Keith and Thomas Kearns.


For years mines operated like small towns on the mountainside from smeltering houses and office buildings to boarding houses and mess halls; there were bustling buildings and pollution everywhere. This photograph represents the very little bit that remains of this once lucrative mining operation at Park City Mountain Resort.

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Frame Size

8"X10" Print – 13"X15" Finish Size, 16"X20" Print – 24"X28" Finish Size, 16"X20" Acrylic Mount, 20"X24" Print – 24"X28" Finish Size, 20"X24" Acrylic Mount, 24"X30" Print – 32"X38" Finish Size, 24"X30" Acrylic Mount, 30"X40" Print – 38"X48" Finish Size, 30"X40" Acrylic Mount, 15"X40" Print – 23"X48" Finish Size, 15"X40" Acrylic Mount, 23"X60" Print – 31"X68" Finish Size, 23"X60" Acrylic Mount